Whoever you are
Meet the team.

John Pontier
Teaching Elder
John is a Construction Project Manager, has been married to Barabara for 37 years, has 3 daughters, 1 son, and 15 grandchildren.

David Poling
Teaching Elder
Dave is a general contractor by trade, has been married for 30 years to Melinda, has 8 sons, 1 daughter, and 6 grandchildren.

Brian Appelgate
Brian is a Silicon Technologies Manufacturing Tech, has been married for 30 years to Joanne and has 2 daughters and 3 sons.

Josiah Poling
Josiah is a Network Administrator and has been married to Anna for 5 years, has 1 son and 2 daughters.

About Us
Get to know more about what makes us different.
From the very beginning, HOFCC has been age-integrated as a matter of principle. We choose to equip parents to train and include their own children in our church services rather than relieve them of their responsibilities by means of age-segregated youth programs. We do not offer a Sunday School, Youth Group or Children’s Church service. Instead, we maintain a family inclusive and family uniting culture that draws everyone of all ages into worship, Bible study and partnership in advancing the Gospel together. If we hope to see families serving God together as a team, they must be equipped together as a team. That is what a Christian family household is, a team of believers living and serving God together.